26 Feb 2010

Totally Dad Dancing

Planner A: "Fuck no idea what to do for this Jamaica pitch, there's like no money for it"

Planner B: "yes I know I have been researching all the stereotypes associated with blacks to try and found something funny we can use for it. you know good dancers, big dicks, lazies, dope smokers"

Planner A: "We can't do this, we would get fired"

Planner B: "Let's reverse it then, so it's about the English now, bad dancers, small dicks, workaholics, stuck up"

Planner A: "Our target audience will protest, the only idea that we could get away with would be the bad dancers one...my dad is terrible dancer"

Planner B: "brilliant let's do it!, let's use youTube to host the videos and we are done, bad dad dancing it is..."

Planner A: "We should get a celebrity, you know, to make it more official, like Rickie Haywood-Williams, is like, well cheap"

Planner B: "Do you think this is going to work? I mean UGC is like so 2000?"

Planner A: "Who care, concept done, no budget remember? pub?"

Planner B: "Pub! indeed"



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