14 Sept 2012

Missile for peace

I am surprise this is actually an official campaign for Peace One Day. It's not a new idea, apart from the people on the ground no one is going to come back on the day and see the event live and on a more moral debate using a rocket isn't a smart move. I understand what they are trying to say and symbolised but it's not doing it for me, I can't wait to see what happen when they will parade the rocket in London

The video is boring (the more videos link is wrong), the photos are boring (the more photos link is wrong) and yes you can tweet with their # but even if they promote @missileforpeace there is no link on the page to follow it and therefore they have only 28 followers at the moment (more than half working at LB).

Please tell me you had 8h to come up with the idea, design, shoot, edit and code because if not you have no excuse.



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