9 Nov 2007

Friday links

http://adbusters.org/metas/eco/bnd/ ...perfect idea to support via the BD social responsibility initiative: let's just close BD on the 23rd...what's interesting is that there is no digital tools to support this campaign, only offline.

http://www.guinness.com/gb_en/tipping# Enter and enjoy the new adventure from Guinness
http://www.vbs.tv/ Vice magazine always try to be different and they succeed but is this only for self gratification? If your sponsor is part of the site http://www.walkmanproject.com/ are you a sell out?

http://unlimited.orange.co.uk/flash/go You probably seen it already but this is a beautiful use of the web and the browser itself...a few years ago it was http://www.trevorvanmeter.com/flyguy/ and http://users.telenet.be/kixx/ that played with both of these concepts....notice the rise of the share tools...

http://www.freerice.com/ I am surprise advertiser taking part do not want a 'bigger logo', this seems a genuine initiative so they really sure should show real progress to make sure people do not think it's a fake...

http://www.omnifone.com/index.html The iTune mobile contender...

http://www.movember.com/ The website, even if international, could do with a bit care on the navigation but it's a good cause and you can see how they show people how to help setting up events...

http://www.millionairesbay.co.uk/ A lot of advert for this site at London Bridge, if this is for real I think they missed the point of an auction site...

http://www.seriousquitters.co.uk/ What does this come down to? Downloading a pdf booklet...they should have spend a bit more on the site and less on TV ads...

http://h20158.www2.hp.com/printing/uk/en/gwen.html?jumpid=ex_r11400_ipg20en-ukOLARGWConsGoogleGadget I like the fact that you can print some paper dolls, good old fashion play for the kids never hurt anyone...

http://www.thegreatcarcoverup.com/ This is now finish but sounded like good fun, did it work? who knows but they raise 10k for charity...does this prove anything?

http://www.giovannirana.co.uk/ Fresh pasta justice campaign, works well on TV but it is not a viral and it is certainly not enough for me to send to my friend...

http://www.gurgle.com/ New social network for mums, make sense and should become popular because their audience is: mostly at home, mostly looking for answers and advice, mostly want to feel that they are not alone, but if already have kids then feel free to laugh at some of the video http://www.gurgle.com/videos-2300/Changing_a_disposable_nappy_.aspx (they forgot to tell you that kids will piss on you as soon as you remove the nappy 8)

http://www.oxfamunwrapped.com/ A good TV ads will take you to a lovely designed site that won you over with one simple thing: you can feel the faith, fun and passion in the design, even if navigation is a bit jumpy.


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